Not a week goes by without a topic on artificial intelligence (AI). There are many applications in the general public as well as in the professional world, whatever the sector of activity: industry, health, public, transport, distribution, etc.
In most cases, AI is announced in the CMMS more as an intervention facilitator than as machine learning. The main objective must be to enable any maintenance operator to check the correct repair of machines, and to detect as quickly as possible, according to the type of equipment and its industrial environment, potential failures that could lead to repair or replacement. This is known as predictive maintenance.
The vocation of AI is not to replace humans but above all to help them in their daily tasks to save time, anticipate the detection of materials or equipment.
In terms of intervention, AI can improve the dialogue with the maintenance operator, by proposing tools, guides or procedures adapted to the context.
In all cases, it is essential to leave technical control to the technicians and to the production and maintenance managers. Only they are in a position to know which tasks and which equipment to monitor. This will be all the easier if they are equipped with an agile, adaptable and high-performance CMMS software such as Matrix-engine.